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Booklist FAQs

  • Required - The book is required by the faculty and must be purchased.

  • Optional - The book is offered as optional by the faculty and it is up to the student's discretion as to whether or not to purchase.

  • Alternative/Substitution - The book is offered as an alternative format and is most likely a digital item (eBook or digital access code). Student would purchase text or alternative if both are listed.

  • No Book Listed - Please contact faculty for further information.

  • Continuing Education Students - Course materials will be located on this booklist. Please enter the CRN of your part-time course and NOT your student number.

  • Adaptive Technology - Click here for more information.

  • OBOA Ontario Building Officials Association books - Textbooks cannot be found using this tool. Please order your books through Orderline.

  • NOTE: If you have ordered a USED book and we are out of stock, we will send a NEW book and adjust your bill accordingly. We make every effort to provide used books when ordered but sometimes they are purchased by "in-store" customers before we can fulfill our online orders.